Parent Information
The Parent and Caregiver Handbook provides parents and caregivers with helpful and important information about our school systems and procedures.
2024 Harvest Parent/Caregiver Handbook
2024 Harvest Newsletters
Newsletter #1 (09.02.24)
Newsletter #2 (19.02.24)
Special Newsletter (21.02.24)
Newsletter #3 (08.03.24)
Newsletter #4 (22.03.24)
Newsletter #5 (02.04.24)
Newsletter #6 (07.05.24)
Newsletter #7 (17.05.24)
Newsletter #8 (10.06.24)
Newsletter #9 (27.06.24)
Newsletter #10 (05.07.24)
Newsletter #11 (02.08.2024)
Newsletter #12 (16.08.2024)
This information can also be located in Section 3 and Section 4 our our Parent/Caregiver handbook.
School campus Hours
Supervision will be available on the school campus from 8.20 am each morning. Parents dropping their children off at school before 8.20 am are asked to supervise their children until 8.20 am.
After school supervision is provided until 3.30pm, when the bus collects students. Parents who collect their own children are asked to collect their children as soon as the school day finishes, and by 3.30 pm at the latest.
Daily Schedule
The daily schedule will be revisited periodically on reasonable request to meet the needs of students, parents and staff.
8.20 am – Supervision begins
Approximately 8.25 am – School bus arrives
8.45 am – school begins
10.30 am – morning break
11.00 am – middle session begins
12.50 pm – lunch break
1.50 pm – afternoon session begins
3.00 pm – school ends
School Uniform and Student Presentation
All students and attending Harvest Christian School are required to follow to the personal presentation standards set by the Harvest Christian School Board. All parents are required to support these standards.
The Harvest Christian School uniform is purchased from DD Gold Ltd, 59 Hobson Ave, Kerikeri. The details on the contents of the school uniform are explained in section 10 of the Harvest Christian School Parent/Caregiver Handbook.
Hair, Jewellery, Make-up and General Presentation
As in accordance with the expectations explained in the Harvest Christian School Parent/Caregiver Handbook (section 10) all students will present themselves in a tidy and respectful and conservative manner that consistent with the expectations of our schools special Christian Character. The principal will provide decision and direction on what is deemed a tidy and respectful and conservative manner during any times when this may be questioned.
Harvest Christian School Attendence Dues (fees) are set by the Faith Harvest Trust (the Land and building Trust).
The school Attendance Dues are set at $1000 plus GST for the 2023 school year. This equates to $287.50 per child per term (payable to NZCPT). A discount of 10% is being offered to the 3rd and any subsequent sibling.
Stationery and uniforms are additional to compulsory costs.
Attendance dues are charged quarterly (Jan, April, July and October) and collected by NZ Christian Proprietors Trust (NZCPT) via direct debit. If you do not have a direct debit in place, the fees are required to be paid in full at the beginning of each term. Other payment term are considered on a case by case basis.
NZCPT collects these attendance dues on behalf of Faith Harvest Trust. The Faith Harvest Trust receives compulsory attendance dues as they provide the land and buildings for the school.
In 2024 Attendence Dues will increase to $1200 + GST per child, with the 10% discount applying to 3rd and subsequent siblings.
The Harvest Core Values
Kia Manaaki te Mānawa | Caring
Kia Puāwai te hinengaro | Confident
Ringa Raupā |Contributing
The Harvest Purpose
To grow curious and courageous learners to explore God’s world and fulfil their potiential in Christ
The Harvest Mission?
To create an environment in which students grow in their Christian faith, knowledge and relationship with God
To reflect the cultural diversity of our community through honouring the past and equipping our learners with the capabilities to succeed now and in the future.
To nurture a culture of excellence
Our student profile
Our students are equipped to be:
People of Faith/Whakapono
Our students will be people who are growing in their faith and knowledge of God, who know
they are valued by God, know the story of Scripture and how they can participate in it, have
had opportunities to become disciples of Jesus Christ, and are beginning to think theologically
about all of life.
People of Love/Aroha
Our students will be people of love who are growing in their understanding of God’s love for
them and the world as demonstrated in the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ,
and are learning to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, to love their
neighbour as themselves, and to respect and care for God’s creation.
People of Hope/Tūmanako
Our students will be people of hope who are becoming captivated by a vision of the
kingdom of God, are growing in awareness of what God may be calling them to, are
developing a passion for a particular vocation or mission in Aotearoa/New Zealand or the
world, and are inspired by the Holy Spirit to participate in Christ’s work of reconciliation,
restoration, renewal and shalom in the world.
We confess the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the only written Word of God, the supreme and infallible2 rule of faith and life, indispensable and determinative for our knowledge of God, of ourselves and the rest of creation, and for the whole educational task. The Holy Scriptures are God’s word to us through human authors.
On this basis we confess that:
1 – There is one God eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, being the same in nature, equal in power and glory, and worthy of equal honour, obedience, and worship.
2 – This one God is Creator of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible, and declared them good. He sustains and rules over all His creation, including people, in perfect wisdom and power.
3 – We believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of the Father. Through him and for him all things were created. He is God incarnate, the true image of God, fully God and fully human. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, crucified, died and was buried. On the third day he rose from the dead. He ascended into heaven and now reigns at the right hand of the Father.
4 – God created human beings in his own image. As image bearers we are designed for relationship with God and with one another, are blessed to be fruitful and productive in all areas of life to the glory of God and are entrusted with the stewardship and care of God’s world.
5 – Sin, evil and death entered the world, fracturing our relationship with God, with others, and with creation. All have sinned and are unable to restore their relationship with God by their own efforts.
6 – So, God sent his only Son into the world. Through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, God revealed himself to the world; defeated the powers of sin, evil and death; provided for our salvation and reconciliation to Him; inaugurated the Kingdom of God; and is working to renew all things. Jesus’ resurrection marks the beginning of the new creation. God’s purposes for His world will culminate with Christ’s certain return.
7 – We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is at work in the world bringing people to faith, drawing them to God, guiding them into truth, and working in them regeneration and transformation so that those in Christ will become more fully conformed to Christ’s image. All of the redeemed in Christ are united by the Holy Spirit and belong to one, holy, universal Church.
8. We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is at work in the world bringing people to faith, drawing them to God,
guiding them into truth, and working in them regeneration and transformation so that those in Christ will
be conformed to his image. All the redeemed in Christ are united by the Holy Spirit and belong to one,
holy, universal Church.
9. We believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God. As the supreme
account of God’s activity in the world, they attest to Christ and are trustworthy and authoritative. The
Holy Scriptures are God’s word to us through human authors.
10. Creation is moving toward its God ordained goal, when Christ will return as king, the dead will be
resurrected, God will bring about his final justice and reconciliation, and the heavens and earth will be
made new.
11. To be disciples of Christ is to respond to Christ’s call and to participate in God’s story as reveale in
Scripture: to seek to know God’s word and bear witness to his gospel; to seek to know and
share in God’s work and world; to form communities of faithfulness; and to be co-labourers with Christ
in the renewal of all things.
*We also hold to the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed, the first two historic creeds of the Christian faith.
In October 2022 a parent elected board was voted in to replace the initial establishment board appointed by the Minister of Education in July 2021. The school board is composed of 5 parent elected board members, 1 staff representative, the school principal who is the executive of the board, and 4 representatives from the proprietor, the NZCPT. The board works closely with the Faith Harvest Trust, the NZCPT, the principal and the Ministry of Education to meet the special character and legislative requirements of a state integrated school.
The board meet monthly on the last Wednesday of the month.
If you are interested in learning more about the Harvest Christian School Board please email your questions to
Harvest Christian School Board Members
Presiding Member: Simon Bocock
Principal: Glenn Davies
Staff Representative: Kate Bocock
Board Member: Bethnie Frear
Board Member: Peter Smith
Board Member: Reuben Wharawhara
Proprietor CEO: Philip Mark Bradley
Proprietor Representative (FHT): Rose Whitehead
Proprietor Representative (FHT): Andrea Topia
Proprietor Representative (FHT): Jenny Neale
In 2019 the Faith Harvest Trust (FHT) was formed as a land and building
Trust with the vision to start and establish a Christian School in Kerikeri.
FHT then approached NZCPT to become the proprietor and to support us
in achieving our vision for a stand-alone state-integrated Christian School.
After much work, Harvest Christian School opened on the 1st of July 2021.
FHT is responsible for the land and buildings and supporting the school
leadership in the upholding and outworking of Harvest Christian School
Special Character. The school is currently in a short term leased premises
at Waimate North whilst FHT is developing a new school site in Kerikeri at
351 Waipapa Road.
The Faith Harvest Trust is a registered Charitable Trust.
The Trustees are:
Rose Whitehead – Presiding Member
Jennifer Neale
Andrea Topia
John Whitehead
Graeme Burgess
John Leaf
Michelle Leaf
Faith Harvest Trust Newsletters
The Faith Harvest Trust release a quarterly newsletter.
New Zealand Christian Proprietor Trust (NZCPT) is the Harvest Christian School Proprietor and is responsible of oversight of the special character of the school, as described in the Harvest Christian School integration agreement.
The NZCPT has a national vision to assist local groups provide an affordable, quality, Christ-centred, Bible-based education which inspires and equips pupils to love God and change the world for Him.
See for more information.
Every 3 years the NZCPT conduct a Special Character Review of each school in the NZCPT network. In September 2022 Harvest had its first Special Character Review. Please access the Excutive Summary of the Special Character Review here.
Special Character Guidelines
As our proprietor, the NZCPT provides oversight and guidance on the Special Christian Character of Harvest Christian School. The special character is clearly explained in three clearly explained documents.
Harvest Chrsitian School uses School Docs to hold the school policies. School Docs is comprehensive and parents/caregivers may access the school policies via the School Docs site by following the instructions below.
1. Go to
2. Click Search for your school. (Harvest Christian School)
3. Start typing the school’s name and select it from the dropdown list.
4. Enter the community username ( harvestchristian ) and password ( 361 )
Off campus Education Outside the Classroom Experiences (EOTC) come with an element of risk. It is acknowledged that no risk can be completely removed and Harvest Christian School follows a range of best practices in accordance with our EOTC to Policy and Proceedures to monimise these risks. In this section you can access the Risk Assessment forms for each of our EOTC activities.
(a) Private Transportation RAMs
(b,c,d,e,f,g) Activities at Coopers Beach Camp
(h) Standup Paddleboarding at camp (Yr6-8)
(i) Ocean Swimming
(J) Wharf Fishing
(k) Beach Conservation Activities
(l) Walking / Hiking
Private Transportation to swimming
Little Dippers Risk Analysis
Standup Paddleboarding
Behaviour that supports our Special Christian Character is an important part of Harvest Christian School. Behaviour choices impact every aspect of learning, social interaction and personal safety, therefore high standards of behaviour are expected from all Harvest Community members.
When enroling families at Harvest all parents are required to sign and expected to activly support the Code of Conduct for Parents.
Harvest is a PB4L School and has developed a set of school wide behaviours that support a safe, positive and inclusive culture.
Behaviours that are inconsistent with our school values and expectations are dealt with in a firm and loving manner, with the expectation that the family and the child strongly desire to support and behavioural expectations of Harvest Christian School. Behaviours that are dangerous or abusive toward other children or staff members will be dealt with according to school policy and Ministry of Education guidelines.
The Harvest Christian School Board’s 2024-2025 Strategic plan can be accessed here.
Harvest Christian School 2024 _ 2025 Strategic Plan – Seeking Community Feedback